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Most Important Battles in World History

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Battle : Battle of Megiddo (P
eriod : 608 BC)
Countries Involved : Necho of Egypt and Josiah of Judah; Egyptians victorious

Battle :
Battle of Marathon (Period : 490 BC)
Countries Involved : Athenians and Persians; King Darius of Persia defeated.

Battle :
Battle of Thermoplyae (Period : 480 BC)
Countries Involved : Spartans led by Leonidas and Persians by Xerxes; Spartans were defeated.

Battle :
Battle of Salamis (Period : 480 BC)
Countries Involved : Athenian and Persian fleet in the Bay of Salamis; Persian fleet defeated

Battle :
Battle of Platae (Period : 479 BC)
Countries Involved : Greek and Persian forces; Persian forces defeated

Battle :
Battle of Mycale (Period : 479 BC)
Countries Involved : Greek and Persian forces; Persian fleet defeated

Battle :
Spartan War I (Period : I 459 BC)
Countries Involved : Sparta and Athens, also called ‘Pelponesian War’; it lasted for 30 years

Battle :
Spartan War II (Period : 431–421 BC)
Countries Involved : Sparta and Athens; Spartans victorious

Battle :
Battle of Arabia (Period : 331 BC)
Countries Involved : Greek and Persian forces; Greeks victorious

Battle :
Battle of Magnesia (Period : 190 BC)
Countries Involved : Syrian and Roman forces; Syrian forces defeated (north-west Lydia)

Battle :
Hundred Year War (Year : 1338–1453)
Countries Involved : France and England

Battle :
War of Roses (Year : 1455–1485)
Countries Involved : Civil War in England between the two rival royal houses of Lancaster and York; White and red rose were their respective symbols

Battle :
Anglo-Spanish War (Year : 1588)
Countries Involved : Spanish and English fleets fought in the English Channel; Defeat of the Spanish fleet

Battle :
Thirty Year War (Year : 1618–1648)
Countries Involved : Started as religious-cum-political war between (Conto) the Lutherans and Catholics in Germany and developed into an international war

Battle :
Civil War of England (Year : 1642–1649)
Countries Involved : Between Cavaliers (King Charles supporters) and forces of the Parliament led by Oliver Cromwell; King Charles I executed

Battle :
Battle of Gibraltar Bay (Year : 1607)
Countries Involved : The Dutch defeated the Spaniards and the Portuguese

Battle :
Seven Year War (Year : 1756–1763)
Countries Involved : Britain and France against Austria and Prussia; British alliance won

Battle :
Battle of Nile (Year : 1798)
Countries Involved : British and French fleets; Britain victorious

Battle :
Battle of Trafalgar (Year : 1805)
Countries Involved : British fleet defeated fleets of France and Spain; British fleets commanded by Admiral Nelson, who was killed in the battle

Battle :
Battle of Austerlitz (Year : 1805)
Countries Involved : Britain, Austria, Russia and Prussia on one side and France on the other; French on the other; French forces victorious

Battle :
Battle of Borodino (Year : 1812)
Countries Involved : France and Russia; the French forces were commanded by Napoleon who was defeated

Battle :
Battle of Leipzig (Year : 1813)
Countries Involved : Germany and combined forces of Austria, Prussia and Russia defeated Napoleon (French forces)

Battle :
Battle of Waterloo (Year : 1815)
Countries Involved : British forces led by Duke of Wellington defeated French forces led by Napoleon Bonaparte; it was Napoleon’s last battle; Napoleon was abdicated and was exiled to the island of St Helena in South Atlantic where he died in 182l.

Battle :
First China War (Year : 1840)
Countries Involved : China and Britain; Chinese forces yielded. It was a trade war and also known as the ‘Opium War’

Battle :
American Civil War (Year : 1861–1865)
Countries Involved : Northern Vs. Southern states of America for the abolition of slavery; Abraham Lincoln defeated the Southern states

Battle :
Russo–Japan War (Year : 1905)
Countries Involved : Russia and Japan in the Sea of Japan; Russia defeated; also called the ‘Battle of Port Arthur’ or ‘Battle of Yalu’

Battle :
Balkan War I (Year : 1912)
Countries Involved : Turkey and Balkan countries (Montenegro, Serbia, Bulgaria and Greece); Turkey defeated

Battle :
Balkan War II (Year : 1913)
Countries Involved : Invasion of Serbia and Greece by Bulgaria; Bulgaria defeated by combined forces of Serbia, Greece, Romania, Montenegro, which stripped Turkey of most of its European territories

Battle :
World War I (Year : 1914–1919)
Countries Involved : Germany (with Austria, Hungary and Turkey) against Britain (with France, US, Russia, Japan, Canada, Austria and Belgium); Germany and its allies were defeated

Battle :
Battle of Jutland (Year : 1916)
Countries Involved : During World War I–naval battle between Germany and England in which Germany was defeated

Battle :
World War I (Year : 1939–45)
Countries Involved : Axis powers (Germany, Italy and Japan) against the Allies (Britain, USSR, US, France and several other countries); Axis powers were defeated

Battle :
Desert War (Year : 1942)
Countries Involved : Italian Army from Libya invaded Egypt in order to attack British forces

Battle :
Korean War (Year : 1954)
Countries Involved : South Korea invaded by North Korea; North Korea was forced back by UN forces

Battle :
Israel-Arab War (Year : 1967)
Countries Involved : Six-day war, shortest war in history; Arab forces led by Egypt, Syria and Jordan were defeated

Battle :
Pakistan-Bangladesh War (Year : 1971)
Countries Involved : Mukti Bahini forces aided by India against the Pakistani forces stationed in Bangladesh (former East Pakistan); Pakistani forces surrendered and Bangladesh came into being

Battle :
Gulf War (Year : 1991)
Countries Involved : US led multinational forces attacked Iraq to oust Iraqi troops from Kuwait

Battle :
Kargil War (Year : 1999)
Countries Involved : India defeated Pakistani forces at Kargil

Battle :
US-Afghanistan War (Year : 2001)
Countries Involved : US led coalition forces attack Afghanistan to bring down the Taliban regime in Afghanistan in retaliation to the September 11 terrorist attack in the USA

Battle :
Gulf War II (Year : 2003)
Countries Involved : US led coalition forces dethroned the Iraqi President Saddam Hussein

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